What's pi xiu?
Also known as Tianlu or Bixie, Pixiu is one of the five auspicious animals in ancient Chinese mythology. In Chinese Feng Shui, Pi xiu, the ninth prince of the Dragon King, referred to as Pi Yao in heaven form, Pi Kan in a sea form, while Pi Xiu as an earth form.

Physical descriptions of Pi Xiu
Pi Xiu is a fiercely mythical animal which is depicted with the head of a dragon, horse’s body, little wings, a tail and without anus. Due to Pixiu defecated before toilet, thereby it angered the Jade Emperor, and therefore its anus was sealed up to avoid expelling of gold, silver and jewelry. As a result, Pixiu signifies inflow without outflow of wealth.
Due to its similar physical appearance, Pi Xiu is usually confused with qilin.

Mythological belief.....
It’s an auspicious animal in traditional Chinese feng shui to bring abundance wealth to his master, that’s why businessmen usually placed a pair of (male and female) Pixiu statues in office and home facing the door. Male Pixiu is believed in receiving (赚钱), whereas female is accumulating wealth and fortune (守财).

Besides with its loyalty in guarding of important buildings, it’s believed that it able to ward off evil spirits, attract wealth from all directions, and generate well fortunes.

2 different types of Pi Xiu in Feng Shui.....

1. Tian Lu (天祿)

¤ Physical description: Possess one horn
¤ Functions : In charge in wealth. Displaying Tian Lu at home or in the office is said to prevent wealth from flowing away.
¤ Prohibition : Do not place on the floor and above eye level, or facing directly on any person in confronting position.

2. Pi Ya (辟邪)

¤ Physical description: Possess two horns

¤ Functions : To Drive off evil. It is also believed that Pi Ya has the ability in assisting anyone who is suffering from bad Feng Shui that is due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter (also called as Tai Sui (太岁)).

¤ A pair of Pi Ya must be displaying towards entrance to void misfortune and disasters.

Myth or Real??????
Personally, i do own a small golden Tian Lu which i bought during my "BAD luck" from a tarrot reader in Cheras, KL. Whenever i go out, i do "talk" to it, well mostly i do forgotten- "Pi Xiu Pi Xiu, zhao chai jin bao", which means Pi Xiu please do bring me "wealth". I believed that it helps me in my studies as i realized myself are more concentrate in performing something. Furthermore, i do be "BRAVED" in expressing myself rather than kept quiet as i did years ago.
Hoooohoooo.... omg, where did i obtain these bad or good energies?? Well it's all depend on how a person view the situation.
Besides, it's prohibited from touching Pi Xiu's eyes, and its statue must be placed towards entrance (most preferably) or window.

Created by: Caryn Lim

Date: 14th feb 2011

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